Managing connection

qPython wraps connection to a q process in instances of the QConnection class.

q = qconnection.QConnection(host = 'localhost', port = 5000, username = 'tu', password = 'secr3t', timeout = 3.0)
    # ...


the connection is not established when the connector instance is created. The connection is initialised explicitly by calling the open() method.

In order to terminate the remote connection, one has to invoke the close() method.

The qconnection.QConnection class provides a context manager API and can be used with a with statement:

with qconnection.QConnection(host = 'localhost', port = 5000) as q:
    print(q('{`int$ til x}', 10))

Types conversion configuration

Connection can be preconfigured to parse IPC messages according to a specified settings, e.g.: temporal vectors can be represented as raw vectors or converted to numpy datetime64/timedelta64 representation.

# temporal values parsed to QTemporal and QTemporalList classes
q = qconnection.QConnection(host = 'localhost', port = 5000, numpy_temporals = False)

# temporal values parsed to numpy datetime64/timedelta64 arrays and atoms
q = qconnection.QConnection(host = 'localhost', port = 5000, numpy_temporals = True)

Conversion options can be also overwritten while executing synchronous/asynchronous queries (sync(), async()) or retrieving data from q (receive()).

Custom IPC protocol serializers/deserializers

Default IPC serializers (QWriter and _pandas.PandasQWriter) and deserializers (QReader and _pandas.PandasQReader) can be replaced with custom implementations. This allow users to override the default mapping between the q types and Python representation.

q = qconnection.QConnection(host = 'localhost', port = 5000, writer_class = MyQWriter, reader_class = MyQReader)

Refer to Custom type mapping for details.