
The qPython library supports both synchronous and asynchronous queries.

Synchronous query waits for service response and blocks requesting process until it receives the response. Asynchronous query does not block the requesting process and returns immediately without any result. The actual query result can be obtained either by issuing a corresponding request later on, or by setting up a listener to await and react accordingly to received data.

The qPython library provides following API methods in the QConnection class to interact with q:

  • sendSync() - executes a synchronous query against the remote q service,
  • sendAsync() - executes an asynchronous query against the remote q service,
  • query() - executes a query against the remote q service.

These methods have following parameters:

  • query is the definition of the query to be executed,
  • parameters is a list of additional parameters used when executing given query.

In typical use case, query is the name of the function to call and parameters are its parameters. When parameters list is empty the query can be an arbitrary q expression (e.g. 0 +/ til 100).

Synchronous queries

Executes a q expression:

>>> print(q.sendSync('til 10'))
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]

Executes an anonymous q function with a single parameter:

>>> print(q.sendSync('{til x}', 10))
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]

Executes an anonymous q function with two parameters:

>>> print(q.sendSync('{y + til x}', 10, 1))
[ 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10]
>>> print(q.sendSync('{y + til x}', *[10, 1]))
[ 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10]

The QConnection class implements the __call__() method. This allows QConnection instance to be called as a function:

>>> print(q('{y + til x}', 10, 1))
[ 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10]

Asynchronous queries

Calls a anonymous function with a single parameter:

>>> q.sendAsync('{til x}', 10)

Executes a q expression:

>>> q.sendAsync('til 10')


The asynchronous query doesn’t fetch the result. Query result has to be retrieved explicitly.

In order to retrieve query result (for the sendAsync() or query() methods), one has to call:

  • receive() method, which reads next message from the remote q service.

For example:

  • Retrieves query result along with meta-information:
>>> q.query(qconnection.MessageType.SYNC,'{x}', 10)
>>> print(q.receive(data_only = False, raw = False))
QMessage: message type: 2, data size: 13, is_compressed: False, data: 10
  • Retrieves parsed query result:
>>> q.query(qconnection.MessageType.SYNC,'{x}', 10)
>>> print(q.receive(data_only = True, raw = False))
>>> q.sendSync('asynchMult:{[a;b] res:a*b; (neg .z.w)(res) }')
>>> q.sendAsync('asynchMult', 2, 3)
>>> print(q.receive())
  • Retrieves not-parsed (raw) query result:
>>> from binascii import hexlify
>>> q.query(qconnection.MessageType.SYNC,'{x}', 10)
>>> print(hexlify(q.receive(data_only = True, raw = True)))

Type conversions configuration

Type conversion options can be overwritten while:

These methods accepts the options keywords arguments:

>>> query = "{[x] 0Nd, `date$til x}"

>>> # retrieve function call as raw byte buffer
>>> from binascii import hexlify
>>> print(binascii.hexlify(q(query, 5, raw = True)))

>>> # perform a synchronous call and parse dates vector to numpy array
>>> print(q.sendSync(query, 5, numpy_temporals = True))
['NaT' '2000-01-01' '2000-01-02' '2000-01-03' '2000-01-04' '2000-01-05']

>>> # perform a synchronous call
>>> q.query(qconnection.MessageType.SYNC, query, 3)
>>> # retrieve query result and represent dates vector as raw data wrapped in QTemporalList
>>> print(q.receive(numpy_temporals = False))
[NaT [metadata(qtype=-14)] 2000-01-01 [metadata(qtype=-14)]
 2000-01-02 [metadata(qtype=-14)] 2000-01-03 [metadata(qtype=-14)]]

>>> # serialize single element strings as q characters
>>> print(q.sendSync('{[x] type each x}', ['one', 'two', '3'], single_char_strings = False))
[ 10,  10, -10]

>>> # serialize single element strings as q strings
>>> print(q.sendSync('{[x] type each x}', ['one', 'two', '3'], single_char_strings = True))
[10, 10, 10]